The Centaur|Group
Would you like a chance to be on TV?
We have a unique opportunity we would like to extend to you and/or your organization. Our company is currently working on a new reality television show based upon call centers and customer service. We are currently seeking qualified call centers, hosts and corporate sponsors for a television debut.
How does your business & call center benefit?
The show is basically about a team of customer service experts searching for call centers across the country, which would benefit from a complete face-lift both operationally and esthetically. The experts will visit your center and perform an observation, give recommendations and ultimately renovate the complete call center by including the latest in techniques, technology and décor. Imagine a “call center” version of Spike TV’s Bar Rescue.
Your call center and business will benefit greatly as more value will be introduced internally to your employees with a boost in morale and externally to your customers through increased customer satisfaction.
As a host or corporate sponsor your company will have an opportunity to engage in "tie-in" branding with the show as featured products and/or services, while highlighting your industry experience.
What are the next steps?
We would love the opportunity to speak with you further about the show and your potential involvement. If you would like to be considered as a participating call center, host or corporate sponsor please contact us for more information.